Preliminary Exercise Learner Response


Learner Response

1) Teacher's feedback: . Text on screen then Q answered - ideally you want to introduce your                                                          interviewee a montage and voiceover. Try and get interviewee to answer in                                              full sentences that include the question if possible!
                                     . Excellent cutaway shots - well selected and edited in perfectly.
                                     . Audio is strong and interview is engaging. Perhaps framing and mis-en-scene                                                 could have been a bit more considered/linked to topic.
                                     . Largely meets prelim brief and great preparation for real coursework.

     Other students: WWW= . Perfectly met brief.
                                             . Great cutaways
                                             . Nice topic
                               EBI= . Empty Space
                                         . Voice over

2) WWW: My use of cutaways was quite good and I think the topic I chose was ideal for the brief.
    EBI: I should have made sure there was no empty space and I could have considered mis-en-scene more carefully.

4) I learned not leave dead space when filming and to use that space.

5) Next time, I will change where i film it to a school setting and change the angle so that there is no dead space.


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