Feedback for Statement of Intent and Learner Response


Feedback and Learner Response

  • This is a mixed statement of intent that demonstrates some very well-thought out ideas for a documentary that meets the brief while also lacking in other areas. The media language (camera shots, mise-en-scene) plan for the documentary is solid but in other areas it feels like it is lacking/unfinished.
  • The statement shows good understanding of the brief but is lacking with regards to the print brief.
  • Industry contexts and digital convergence is a strength with clear and quite detailed planning.
  • Representation is addressed with a couple of interesting media theories mentioned but it needs a little more depth or explanation to push this to the higher levels.


  • Elements of this are very good – you clearly have a strong plan for a workable documentary. Now you need to get the statement of intent up to a high level.
  • Media language needs a bit of work – make sure you are discussing what each shot/camera movement etc. is communicating to the audience. Perhaps remove some of the interview questions and instead focus more on shots and other technical elements and the effect these will have on the audience.
  • Representation is a weakness – I think Gauntlett and van Zoonen are perfect for this but you need to offer more detail and application of the theory. You are suggesting beauty standards have got worse – is that true? 
  • The print brief feels unfinished . I appreciate you may not have detailed plans for the posters yet but you need a bit more here. Again, think about how you will use elements of media language here.

3 improvements: 
. I need to add to how my montage will make an effect on audience (personal identity)
. I should discuss more on editing and lighting
. Go into more detail about theorists


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