Sound video learner response
Sound video learner response
- The first half of the video is excellent: the sound and images work very well together and therefore provide a good example of parallel sound.
- When the video switches over to contrapuntal, it is pretty effective as the soundtrack certainly feels alien alongside the bar fight scene. However, the video as a whole is only 40 seconds and the contrapuntal element is quite short which perhaps lessens the effect.
- It's important to try and meet the brief, particularly in terms of video length (+/- 10% is usually OK), and perhaps you could also have used a collage of clips from a range of films for each part of the video to help reach the 60 seconds. This would also have further demonstrated your understanding of the relationship between sound and image.
My reflection:
www- The sound I used for my video worked well with both the parallel and contrapuntal part.
ebi- The video made should have reached the 60 second brief. If I had made it longer, it would have been better.
Joban, Dania and Silver had really good videos. All of their sound choices were excellent. Joban's contrapuntal part was really good and funny. He used animals and I think it made it really amusing.
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